Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Who says Contextual is better

Monday, April 23, 2007
Twitter should have thought of this ???

I have reviewed quite a few of Evan Williams interviews and he hasn't really let on about a possible business model for Twitter..In one article in Business 2.0 he talks about Corporate accounts but I have yet to see any implementation on that end...I think that they should offer "White Label" services.. I for one would def. pay for a branded version of Twitter's features for our startup..
Companies like Reddit and Ning seem to thrive on these kinds of b2b services...
It seems with such an influx of new services out there that these companies would look to form partnerships that would help both parties grow...
Anyways my .02
Monday, April 16, 2007
Could Web 2.0 have helped?

Today I worked from home ... and couldn't help but helplessly watch the tragic events today at Virginia Tech ... As I was watching the reporting there were so many different versions of what was going.. whether it was the mass email that went out to the student body around 9am .. but as one student said that most students don't check their email that early..to all of the word of mouth news that was being reported.. I wonder if a tool like Twitter was being used for the school as kind of like an "Amber" alert .. where the students would subscribe to the school and the school would push pertinent info to students via email / sms / cell / web etc... Twitter was hailed as great tool at SXSW .. which is a large event w/ allot of people using it in the most effective way.. using this for a school or organzation seems like a easy way to contact mass amounts of people quickly.
It breaks my heart to know those kids where in their classrooms completely vulnerable to todays actions w/ little or no advanced warning.
Instead of placing blame on anybody.. I think that the conversation should be on how can we "minimize" events like this in the future..
My thoughts and Prayers go out to all that were affected today..
Googler's are funny...

Who needs Redbull for late night surfing expeditions.. When you can have Google's own formula... I think that Google continues to market themselves in very smart and non-threating manner..I think that this kind of fun stuff is paramount to Google's amazing growth.
Friday, April 13, 2007
USPS not getting it ... UGGH
Anyways today I tried "Calculate Business Postage " via their homepage today and got this message apparently Firefox doesn't exsist in their eyes...
Too Many Feeds!!!!
1. (Tech News) Techmeme , Master of 500 Hats
2. (VC/Entreprenurial) Light Speed Ventures , OnStartups
3. (Marketing) Seth Godin , Church of the Customer , Duct Tape Marketing
4. (PR) KDPaine
5. (Christian) J-Walking
I think that my days will be more productive and that I will still get the info that I am looking for through these sources.. but I am sure I will be going through some sort of withdrawal symptoms for the next couple of days.... :)
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Election 2.0 in NH???
Sunday, April 8, 2007
New Service Jobs created By Apple Tv

I have been reading the onslaught of all the Apple Tv Hacks that have come out since the release of the Apple Tv last month.. at first I thought there would be a couple minor breakthroughs.. but they just won't end.. so that got my entrepreneurial mind working ...
I definitely see a bunch of places where you can send your Apple Tv to get Hacked or what I as a gear-head would call "upgraded" . I am not a tech savvy enough to want to rip open my Apple Tv myself but I would gladly send it to 'reputable' Apple Mechanic.
Voip Porn!!

I have recently worked w/ Skype's new service "Prime" . Basically it allows you as a "consultant" cough cough .. to bill via Skpe calls and make money per minute..hmmm . I found this service when helping a friend and colleague to add a value added feature to his Tutor site. For an honest user.. Skype really falls short .. first is that Skype charges 30% commission yikes!! and get this they keep your money for four months to discourage any scams etc.. but in my opinion this will keep legitimate users away..
Then I found WeSquare via Stumble Upon .. a cool and potentially effective tool for people looking for Skype Prime's features..but allows you to use any communication platform... IM/ VOIP/ etc.. Widgets will get these features to the main stream faster.. but I have a feeling that they may mire in the muck of "Dirty Talk"..
Nice tool for Site Owners

I tried out Website Grader the other day and I found it to be a useful and intriguing service.. Basically breaks down different categories (SEO/Page Rang/ Back Links / SMO ) . The Parent company is Hubspot.com ... which is from Dharmesh Shah who has one of my favorite Start-up Blogs. Check it out.. let me know what you think..
I knew it was a good idea!!

Last month I posted about PitchAVC.com .. after seeing this article by Seth Levine
.. Well yesterday I read about Bambi Francisco "fiasco" regarding a conflict of interest between her job at Market Watch and her startup Vator.Tv I think that the attention that this has received will actually catapult her site.... but it does really need a good make over..very low budget.
P.S. I did ask a certain VC mentioned in this article .. when I originally posted if this would be a viable venture... and thought for the entrepreneur "yes" but most VC's won't give it a second look.. I agree..but as technology becomes cheaper and cheaper and VC's and Angels are trying to find other creative ways to find the next big thing.. this might be great avenue for both given her resources and contacts.. Good Luck Bambi!