Friday, March 30, 2007
Google Homepage CRM Tools .. I like it...
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Pitch a VC goes Web 2.0
It would be interesting to setup a Ning Network that would allow would be entrepreneurs to pitch their ideas or products via Video and have community voting etc... but it could provide a great pool for investors as well... Most entrepreneurs don't know someone who know's someone to get introduced to a potential investor. Also w/ the ability to develop disruptive technolgies and services on the cheap investors are trying innovative ways to invest in these companies . Any way just a quick ramble...let me know your thoughts..
Found this via Seth Levine
"I was sent the following a few days ago:
In order to give investors a sneak peak of what we're up to, we've created a short video (4 mins):
Best Buy Shifting Strategy ??

Thursday, March 22, 2007
Twitter as Business Promotion Tool

My challenge will be to get my core demographic of 17-28 yr old males that are automotive enthusiasts to adopt Twitter as communication tool...
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
CPA the Holy Grail for Google!!
This also spells big trouble to Affiliate Programs out there like CJ and Linkshare
For our startup.. I had actually planned not to spend any $$$ on PPC (Lead Generation) .. rather I would allocate that $$ in Community Forums as a direct sponsor to engage w/ our members in more effective manner. This has changed my thinking due to the fact that I can measure if a campaign is working at gaining new members.
Thanks Google!!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Twitter + Helio Buddy Beacon vs. GPhone + Dodgeball

For the past week I have been Twitterized ... I know I know.. When I first heard about it...I thought big deal.....but it is a really unique tool. I am especially interested in using this service as a communication toll for our new start-up...which is a member based e-commerce site. I can envision having one of our members sending a tweet out to the community when their $2800 turbo kit he bought arrives at his house or a member tweets about a great or bad experience thru our service or just an update on his or her project car...Ok enough w/ my rant....I really like Twitter :) ...
That brings me to my point :) ..... I have been looking at getting a new cell phone ... and I have been impressed by Helio's offerings. They have this cool feature called "Buddy Beacon" which allows you to broadcast your location (GPS) to your friends and vice versa...and you can easily turn it on and off. It also has Google Maps built in hmmmm... that got me thinking. There already is a version of Twitter using Google Maps which would add a set of tools that Helio doesn't have. Helio is the self proclaimed Web 2.0 phone company and has already landed deals w/ Boing Boing and Myspace. Why wouldn't Twitter like to join the club? This would be a great way to monetize the product on their end and kepp it free for it's users... That would be an awesome service...and would presumably be a huge blow to Google's property Dodgeball .... or would it? Allot of people are saying Dodgeball is dead... but could this be a service that Google is waiting to expand w/ their much anticipated venture into the Mobile Phone Market. Things that make you go hmmmmmm.
What would you rather have ?
Thursday, March 15, 2007
HP Vista Only Errgh

Looks like I am gonna get a Dell...
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Holy Search Feature Batman!!

The Message ??

I was browsing through some competitors sites and I ran across this promotional product on a competitors site.. I was a bit taken back to the unprofessionalism of this.. is this the kind of message you want to send to your customers?? Now I know that this may resonate w/ a certain crowd....but man cmon
I think that our approach will be much different .. it will be interesting to see if our Vision and Values will resonate w/ Gen Y..
I wonder if the owner knows what kind of vision he is promoting and how it will effect him in the long run...
my .02
![]() New arrival! Rock hard and strong with PasswordJDM, never let up representing JDM to the fullest and throw up a big “W” like a bat out of hell clocking trap speeds of 160+ while you’re at it. “Keep Your Pimp Hand Strong!!!”and always let those who wanna test you know that you ain’t afraid to spill his/her spinal fluid. Do it with a smile on your face, grin a little, and watch the other fella turn into a marshmallow. Always “Keep Your Pimp Hand Strong!!!” Wear it, Live it! |
Friday, March 9, 2007
Viral Threads ???

I know that I am in the middle of a startup as we speak...so I shouldn't be thinking about anything else right? Can entrepreneurial ideas be spawned from current ventures effectively? Well today was the straw that broke the camels back.. I saw this post today regarding getting Twitter shirts made for the SXSW conference.
I sent an email to Threadless regarding a possible contest for our startup when it launches to kind of help us really let our customers define our brand and be involved right from the beginning. In the email I sent I pointed out how I could bring a new demographic to there site and would be really excited to offer a great prize for the best design. I got back a cordial reply simply stating good luck ... but we already have other contests going on.. I totally understand their stance .. they are a really busy company that is really focused on the users driving the community ...which I agree w/ 100%...no advertisers..
So the dim lit light bulb went off in my head.. What if their was a social driven marketplace for web communities and sites that their users could create and vote for their favorite designs. Think of the viral nature in which people could find out about other sites and more importantly more about the community in that particular community. Think of sites like Twitter , Meebo , Digg , MyBlogLog, Reddit, Search Engine Land, Technorati , the list goes on and on... I know that the communinty made up of tons of other communities could drive different themes for times during the year. Also think of the contests you could have between rival sites: Pageflakes vs. Netvibes or GotVmail vs. RingCentral or Meebo vs. EBuddy , Twitter vs. Dodgeball etc. etc...
The sites themselves would have to sanction the contest's in order to use Logo's for use. As a business owner this would be a no-brainer for me as viral marketing tool...The ability for a community to help define a brand is quite powerful. Plus I like wearing cool T-Shirts...I see implementing the social networking tools as a great bridge to gain traction.
Here is where the rubber meets the road... I do have some close friends that own a silk screen business ...so I made some inquiries on the actual cost and breakdown of this process. It is totally doable and their are margins to be made are acceptable. The question is what business model would I follow.. Do we split revenue w/ the sites? Do we charge an inclusion for sites? or do we have a monthly subscription for advertisers/partners . .. Needless to say I have friends that are extremely talented in web development so I have no doubts on that end... The big problem is how can I juggle both startups... could I implement a Woot style format where it would be a sale a day..to curtail time spent on it.. I think that I could handle the PR/Sales aspect of it..
Just thinking out loud... :)
Thursday, March 8, 2007
COCA: The Driving Force of Commerce

Our business model is effectively giving us a competitive advantage over our competitors...
Ray Deck makes a great point below...
This is true for more than just web services. Geoffrey Moore says in Dealing with Darwin that particularly in a volume operation, innovating the business model is crucial to success. (He contrasts this with a complex systems environment, where s 10x improvement from the technology is the focus of innovation.) Cost of customer acquisition (COCA) is usually the most crucial lever to pull in the business model, because that is how dollars come in. Especially when the back-end is built on commodities, the ability to generate top-line either at lower cost or at a higher effectiveness is going to be critical.
For web services that essentially want to operate like media properties, they have two issues: getting readership, and selling inventory. So 2/3 of the business is really about getting customers (either indirect, as readers, or direct, as advertisers).
Blog Archive
- Google Homepage CRM Tools .. I like it...
- Pitch a VC goes Web 2.0
- Best Buy Shifting Strategy ??
- Twitter as Business Promotion Tool
- CPA the Holy Grail for Google!!
- Twitter + Helio Buddy Beacon vs. GPhone + Dodgeball
- HP Vista Only Errgh
- Holy Search Feature Batman!!
- The Message ??
- Viral Threads ???
- COCA: The Driving Force of Commerce
- Bill Gates : Is Google taking your best talent?
- Cool Marketing : What do you think?
- Startup Progress : The Office Setup