Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Cisco ... Isn't this what Twitter does?
The Human Network: Hollywood
Saw this commercial and the first thing I thought of was.. hey Cisco bought Twitter cool!! I wonder how many people fall for this stuff...
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Social Media on the Rise for 08 Election?

Digg - Digg The Candidates
Really interesting stuff today via Digg...not sure how long it has been up and running but I really like the social implications and I think can be a good measurement tool for Gen X - Y.
Seems like Obama and Paul have wide reaching base ... lets see how it pans out over the next month or so. Especially after seeing today latest Reuters/Zogby Poll.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Can Google Juice get Obama Elected?
Interesting stuff today.. wondering if this interesting and quite proactive plan will get the tech community and more importantly Google to back Sen. Obama. I was very intrigued about his "transparency" comment regarding the government and opening up to America... It seems like this kind of came out of left field. It will be very interesting to see how the next month or so shapes up.
"I’ll put government data online in universally accessible formats. I’ll let citizens track federal grants, contracts, earmarks, and lobbyist contacts. I’ll let you participate in government forums, ask questions in real time, offer suggestions that will be reviewed before decisions are made, and let you comment on legislation before it is signed. And to ensure that every government agency is meeting 21st century standards, I’ll appoint the nation’s first Chief Technology Officer."
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Get Satisfaction... For Real!

A couple of moths ago I heard about this company called "Get Satisfaction" basically a help desk on Steroids.. I mean this in a good way.. If your company is about transparency and really want to engage w/ your customers in a fresh and empowering way this is your solution.
I posted a question to the "Management Team at" regarding the site relevancy that you see when surfing. Withing 4 hours I got a response and now they have actually made changes brought on by the conversation..
The site itself is really slick and clean to use.. It looks like Major companies are jumping on board as well. I think we will be setting up a profile for yOparts as well.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Is Twitter blowing up?
So I decided to start using my Twitter account when I say use what I mean is post. I utilize Twitter in a data streaming way and love it. I get updates from Techmeme, Jason Calacanis , Danny Sullivan, Search Engine Land, and of course one cannot live w/ out live Redsox casts via Twitter.
Today I read a great article over on Steve Spalding's blog on "How to use Twitter" in which he listed some great applications like....
ServerMojo - Monitors your web server and will send you update notifications via Twitter.
Remember the Milk for Twitter- Remember the Milk (rtm) is a popular GTD web application. By adding the rtm Twitter member as a friend you can send commands to your account via the Twitter interface. This is particularly useful if you are using Twitter by SMS when you are out and about and you only have your mobile phone and no Internet access.
SugarStats - If you are diabetic then check out SugarStats. This site allows you to monitor your sugar levels and gives you all sorts of graphs and charts. Plus you can send in your data via Twitter.
Twitter by Voice = send a Twitter update by speaking into your phone--your voice gets
converted to text and sent out to all your followers. is a fun IOU system built on Twitter that helps you
track who you owe beers to (and vice versa). All you have to do is
follow the account "ioubeer" and then send it @replies. So, say
you owe me a beer for helping you change a flat tire, this is what
you'd send to Twitter:
@ioubeer @biz for helping me change that flat tire
Then, your IOU will show up on the front page at
I also came across Guy Kawasaki's post regarding his Twitter app that feeds his Truemors site.. really slick if I say so myself..
I wonder how developers will leverage some of these apps via Open Social and Facebook Api's...hmmmmmm there are so many facets of Twitter.. there are business applications, social and now even health and safety values being equated too it...
I actually wrote about Twitter being used in an Emergency situations after the tragic events at Virginia Tech last spring. But it looks like Twitter really has scaled in this capacity during the recent natural disasters in California.
I just see Twitter creating so much value lately? Is it just me or has it been this robust for awhile now?
Monday, November 5, 2007
Hypocriacy brought me out of retirement
Maybe this is what I needed to get back in the game.. things have been a little hectic since launching our new "Wholesale Autoparts Club" w/ a splash of Web 2.0
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Ebay sticks to it's gun's for a whole 16 days
A couple of weeks ago I posted on the big "Cat fight" between Google and Ebay regarding Google Checkout Event thrown Guerrilla Style at Ebay Live in Boston...
Well Ebay pulled all their ads off of US Google sites.. but today while surfing I found this Google syndication link... I wonder how much their traffic suffered to do a 180% so quickly??????
I have also posted a Daily Vector Graph.. very interesting..

![]() |
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Mahalo should be Aloha for Hello and Goodbye ...
When I first saw Mahalo.. I thought jeez is this really all he is introducing?? basically Cha Cha meets Wikipedia .. so I wasn't overwhelmed w/ the angle of going after the Fat part of the Tail.. it seems to me that the way to truly utilize a combination of People / Machine search is to target micro- niche's ... this became more evident when I searched for "Honda Civic" after listening to Jason's Podcast w/ SEO critics today on Mahalo being that I am a long time Honda enthusiast and directly involved in the Aftermarket industry. My impressions of the search results were that it was a totally "mailed in" .... I wonder how many more are?? Now let me preface I think that they Mahalo is on the right track w/ it's Greenhouse Program..
"Honda Civic Message Boards and Blogs
- Autoblog: Honda Civic Search
- Honda Civic Search
- Technorati: Honda Civic Tags
hmmm autoblog - no biased there (cough cough) if you search "Honda Civic" you get 8 not so great posts.. more like press releases ... - is an ok board.. but did the guide just simply search for "Honda Civic Forum" on google and walla you guessed it .... would have been a much better choice in my opinion.. you be the judge 240,000 members vs 22,000 .. ????????????????? What relevance does that have.. oh wait (Weblogs Inc) .. I see pattern here
Technorati Link... great idea but did the guide look at these results????
I could go on and on about the results on that page.. but the results speak for themselves...people want valuable info not the same old same old...
Jason this is you reputation on the line and with results like this.. I'm not sure you will gain loyal users.. but you are a sly one.. and I think that you are actually banking on that "Google Juice" when someone actually types "Honda Civic" into Google and the Honda Civic Mahalo page scores high on SERP i.e exactly how Wikipedia does...
But I thought the point was to provide the best possible results :(
p.s. I would have left feedback but I was only limited too 500 characters
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Check out the tail on that one...
The team at Facebook is hedging that their site will now be the Social Network Mecca.. and with the way that they have postioned themselves in bringing value unrivaled by any other network to it's users.. in my opinion will catapult it to the top... bubye Myspace ..

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Ebay the bully or Scared of Google....
That got me thinking...why would Ebay really do has to be something more.. Could it be when Google was outbid by Ebay for StumbleUpon...then Google released a similar feature for Google toolbar owners that gives personalized search results too...
I think that Ebay might actually be a little ascared of little ole Google Checkout.. the often mocked Google payment system... I believe it is actually gaining ground at a very fast pace.. it seems like every time I do a google search lately it is laden w/ Google Checkout sponsored adwords for advertisers.. plus it seems like it has really gained traction in the long tail of e-commerce sites..never mind the top retailers that have made the switch like and with 0% processing fees..
It will be interesting to see how this pans out and to watch the traffic rankings to see if Ebay see's a dramatic decline in traffic and revenue.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Nice Job West Warwick!! cmon NH get in the game

Seems like Wind Power is really taking off lately and it is being done on the local government level..which is the way for a grassroots effort to really make an impact. What if every town used it's natural resources to supply it's own power? What a concept...
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Google Antitrust? Microsoft just payed $6 billion for a competitor?
It's Funny how Google gets picked on advertising is a fraction of the whole advertising industry..but yet they are always singled out?
But yet the FTC is opening up a antitrust investigation against Google...I just don't get it..
The thing is that most of their competitors are failing to realize or are just afraid to admit is that people (us minions) like using Google because it makes our lives easier

Sunday, May 20, 2007
Got My Ocean am I cool?

Our new startup is a Social Commerce I wanted a device that I could essentially handle all IM's/Tweets/emails/sms/pics/ etc etc.. Of course my first inclination was to wait for the Iphone .. but as my initial buzz wore off over the hype and started looking more and more at the features and service.. it became clear that it was overvalued... Two of the biggest reasons for not going w/ the Iphone was price ($499-$599) and the slower Cingular network coverage..
With the Helio in my area of New England it piggybacks off of the Sprint 3G network...I also like the "all in" features of unlimited text/sms/data/myspace (uggh) /buddy beacon, gmaps etc.. for a reasonable price. I choose the $100/month option which is unlimited text/sms/ web browsing etc. and unlimited nights and weekends.. and 1500 daytime mins. (They do have an all you can eat plan for $135/mnth)
Things are working great so far.. some minor bugs but nothing earth shattering (Weak battery life so far but I am trying a possible solution to remedy the problem) ... My first impressions are that is smaller than it looks online.. and the browsing is pretty intuitive. The Search from any box is pretty awesome as well.. Camera works really well.. and I had no problems setting up My Google apps Gmail. I'm not a huge music and video fan but service worked flawlessly when I tried it....I think this phone has a chance at making Helio a name in mobile industry... I will keep you informed w/ any updates..
My friends know that I can't go many posts without somehow bringing up a Twitter thought.. and I just couldn't let them down.. :) Here is my thought.. If the Ocean really takes off... I think that Helio should buy Twitter and combine it w/ their Buddy Beacon GPS tracking system.. Helio has embraced web 2.0 w/ partnerships w/ Myspace and BoingBoing...
p.s. Here is a link for $100 off coupon for using amex.. yes $195 and free bluetooth!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Web 2.0 Awards or Web 2.0 Garbage ?

I must admit I can't wait for the guys at Uncov to let loose on some of their favorite 2.0 sites.. like Wufoo a winner.. or Meebo.. :)
P.S Rafe Needleman of CNET's Webware blog is also putting together what he calls ‘the first user-generated Web 2.0 awards’
Friday, May 11, 2007
It's about time Apple ..
Apple Inc. strayed from making any material announcements during its shareholders meeting on Thursday, but did hint that it will offer video rentals through iTunes at some point in the future.
Google Come to the Live Free or Die State !!

A couple of weeks ago I was reading Danny Sullivan's piece on Google coming to Oklahoma... and I couldn't help but think of why not NH?? We have a very business friendly tax structure for business's .. we are very close to allot of main hubs i.e Boston/NY and Google really hasn't setup shop in the New England area.
So that got me thinking if Google where to come to NH where would be a viable option... The first place I thought of was Berlin. Katie Delahaye president of KD Paine and Partners recently made the move up to Berlin... There are two reasons why I think that Berlin would be a prime candidate for future move..first Berlin is a former Paper Mill Town that was decimated by overseas competition leaving the town in a very unenviable position...The town of Berlin has taken a proactive approach in attracting new ideas to jump start this proud resllient town..
The Second reason I think that Berlin would be a good the energy infrastructure in place .. NH has recently made a much progress in becoming more energy independent and Environmentally responsible.. NH just recently passed a renewable portfolio standard.
In that area of the state Wind Resources are very strong as pictured here ... Berlin has also embraced Wind Power as discussed in this NH Public Radio article. There is also a plentiful source of Hydro power in that area w/ many rivers...
Ok so Google the perennial do-gooders for the free world could not only build an eco-friendly Data Center that would breathe life back into a community that welcomes such a move but it makes sense business wise.. We have a Governor in office that is very popular and is business friendly as well..
Let me know if I am crazy....
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Another Reason Politics and Religion Don't Mix
The Main goal for Christians is to Love one another and to grow closer to God by developing a relationship through him.. it's really simple and somehow we forget it time after time...
Monday, May 7, 2007
New Housing Trend.. Green Friendly and Economically Friendly

Typically these containers sit and collect dust on our docks.. they can be picked up for $2000 for a 40" container.
This seems like a perfect fit for projects like Habitat for Humanity and urban driven initiatives..and they can look good too... and I think cool designs could be easily developed w/ tools like this guy did w/ Google Sketch Up.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Who says Contextual is better
Monday, April 23, 2007
Twitter should have thought of this ???

I have reviewed quite a few of Evan Williams interviews and he hasn't really let on about a possible business model for Twitter..In one article in Business 2.0 he talks about Corporate accounts but I have yet to see any implementation on that end...I think that they should offer "White Label" services.. I for one would def. pay for a branded version of Twitter's features for our startup..
Companies like Reddit and Ning seem to thrive on these kinds of b2b services...
It seems with such an influx of new services out there that these companies would look to form partnerships that would help both parties grow...
Anyways my .02
Monday, April 16, 2007
Could Web 2.0 have helped?

Today I worked from home ... and couldn't help but helplessly watch the tragic events today at Virginia Tech ... As I was watching the reporting there were so many different versions of what was going.. whether it was the mass email that went out to the student body around 9am .. but as one student said that most students don't check their email that all of the word of mouth news that was being reported.. I wonder if a tool like Twitter was being used for the school as kind of like an "Amber" alert .. where the students would subscribe to the school and the school would push pertinent info to students via email / sms / cell / web etc... Twitter was hailed as great tool at SXSW .. which is a large event w/ allot of people using it in the most effective way.. using this for a school or organzation seems like a easy way to contact mass amounts of people quickly.
It breaks my heart to know those kids where in their classrooms completely vulnerable to todays actions w/ little or no advanced warning.
Instead of placing blame on anybody.. I think that the conversation should be on how can we "minimize" events like this in the future..
My thoughts and Prayers go out to all that were affected today..