I have to admit I have been on sort of a Web 2.0 hiatus for the past 4.5 months since
launching our new site. In the last week or so I have been
inspired by much of the exciting news in this space as well
as in Mobile scene too.
So I decided to start using my Twitter account again..now when I say use what I mean is post. I utilize
Twitter in a data streaming way and love it. I get updates from
Jason Calacanis ,
Danny Sullivan,
Search Engine Land, and of course one cannot live w/ out
live Redsox casts via Twitter.
Today I read a great article over on
Steve Spalding's blog on "How to use Twitter" in which he listed some great applications like....
ServerMojo - Monitors your web server and will send you update notifications via Twitter.
Remember the Milk for Twitter- Remember the Milk (rtm) is a popular GTD web application. By adding the rtm Twitter member as a friend you can send commands to your account via the Twitter interface. This is particularly useful if you are using Twitter by SMS when you are out and about and you only have your mobile phone and no Internet access.
SugarStats - If you are diabetic then check out SugarStats. This site allows you to monitor your sugar levels and gives you all sorts of graphs and charts. Plus you can send in your data via Twitter.
Twitter by Voice = Jott.com send a Twitter update by speaking into your phone--your voice gets
converted to text and sent out to all your followers.Foamee.com is a fun IOU system built on Twitter that helps you
track who you owe beers to (and vice versa). All you have to do is
follow the account "ioubeer" and then send it @replies. So, say
you owe me a beer for helping you change a flat tire, t
his is what
you'd send to Twitter:@ioubeer @biz for helping me change that flat tire
Then, your IOU will show up on the front page at foamee.com.
I also came across
Guy Kawasaki's post regarding his Twitter app that feeds his
Truemors site.. really slick if I say so myself..
I wonder how developers will leverage some of these apps via Open Social and Facebook Api's...hmmmmmm there are so many facets of Twitter.. there are business applications, social and now even health and safety values being equated too it...
I actually
wrote about Twitter being used in an Emergency situations after the tragic events at Virginia Tech last spring. But it looks like Twitter really has scaled in this capacity during the recent natural disasters in California.
I just see
Twitter creating so much value lately? Is it just me or has it been this robust for awhile now?